One of our directors has been recognised for his voluntary work with LAMM with two certificates from Lancaster District CVS. He didn’t win in either category, but it was great to get nominated! Maybe next year?

One of our directors has been recognised for his voluntary work with LAMM with two certificates from Lancaster District CVS. He didn’t win in either category, but it was great to get nominated! Maybe next year?
Are you a Student at Lancaster University? Would you like 24/7 access to the Space2 Makerspace?
Good news! you now have free access to the space whenever you need it. You don’t have to be an Engineer or Computer Scientist, just someone looking for a friendly and inclusive space to work on technology, art, or manufacturing projects.
To join, come to the space on any Wednesday open day and sign up as a student member, agree to the terms and conditions of the space, and attend any safety training needed for equipment. Storage space can be arranged for small projects, and specialist tools stored.
Would you like to say hello? Ask a question. Join the telegram channel and tell the other members what you are working on. Often members will meet up outside of the Wednesday sessions to work on specific projects, you might find a like-minded maker
Access to all equipment is free, except the laser cutter which is ‘pay as you go’ to fund laser servicing. The MakerSpace sometimes has free consumables such as printer resin and filament, but you may have to purchase your own.
Contact Space2 with any questions at
Enabled with thanks to the financial support from the Faculty of Science and Technology, Lancaster University.
If you haven’t seen the space recently, and are curious about how many abandoned laptops are scattered around (Surprisingly, not as many as last year) take a look at for updated images of the space, and the new PCs, 3D printers and equipment.
We have also been given a very kind donation of a dual extruder 3D printer. It is a bit dusty, but think of the possibilities!
The AGM for Lancaster and Morecambe Makers will take place on Monday 27th February 2017 at 19:00 GMT at the Space
Please could all Members make the effort to attend this meeting, if you cannot attend we will require proxy votes beforehand
If you would like to raise anything please let one of the directors know by the 19th February, so that we can add it to the agenda. The agenda will be circulated before the meeting to allow time for Proxy votes
In accordance with our Articles of association two of the directors will stand down at the AGM to allow others to become directors.
If anybody wishes to nominate or be nominated to the board please let us know before the 13th February 19:00 GMT.
Please submit in writing a statement with the intention to propose the appointment of a person as a director; contains the details that, if the person were to be appointed, the association would have to file at Companies House; and is signed by the person who is to be proposed to show his or her willingness to be appointed.
Please submit any point, proxy votes or nominations to
The two directors who will be standing down this time will be:
Ian Norton and Claire L Jackson
Thank you
Join us for a fun filled afternoon of Pumpkin carving using traditional methods and power tools.
This Saturday (15th October 2016 )at the space
Please remember to bring your own pumpkin or two
The upcoming open Saturday (Saturday 17th September) will see a change to the hackspace. While we busy ourselves with preparation for the Lancaster Fun Palace (October 1st and 2nd), there will be something spongy, crispy, something with a lovely crumb or maybe a good snap. Yes that’s right we will be holding an informal bake off.
If you watch the BBC, you’ll be no stranger to The Great British Bake Off which started back on the telly last week. Quite a few of us seem to be keen bakers, so for a bit of fun we’ll be taking our best bakes into the space for a bit of a competition.
There will be three prize wining classes
Please feel free to bring your best bakes and join in
Prizes will be given for the best in each class chosen by those there.
(Please note we will NOT be baking in the space)
Okay so that’s the fun part.
We do need peoples help to prepare for the Fun Palace and there are, as always, jobs to be done around the space.