I have been absent from the Space for a few months, only popping in for the occasional meeting and to grab a tool for a mini-project. Most of the reason for this is to do with a large home project.
This year my sister reached a half-century in years. All of her life she has stated she wanted a dolls house, and this desire did not decrease with age. So I decided that I would build her one.
Being a Maker I knew I wasn’t going to indulge in buying any old kit with instructions, so I bought a plan from online for twenty dollars with its 5 page A4 picture guide (which was less helpful than the three online pictures of a constructed house, and set to it.
Needless to say it was more work, some struggle and a lot of compromise more than what I wanted but I did get it done, it was in time and I duly delivered it on the birthday to a very surprised and elated sister.
Below is a video of the build, and I would like to formally thank all my fellow makers and family for their help, encouragement and support. I really would not have attempted this a few years ago, being a part of LAMM has really broadened the number of things I am willing to have a stab at.
Build Process
- Bought plans and converted them for use on our laser system
- Cut out the whole of the design
- Try to work out which piece fits where (this took many hours)
- Glue together each floor and all pieces
- Use fillers and a lot of sanding for gaps
- Apply base coat – Sprayed
- Apply top coat(s) – Sprayed
- Apply large area paint (brush)
- Apply fine area brush (panic as there is only a few days left)
- Buy model making extras, grass, vines and pavement
- Apply grass, pavement and vines a day before
- Carefully transport house to recipient
Thanks in specific
- Tom Bloor: Help with Laser cutting and general tool advice and build suggestions;
- Claire Jackson: Showing me the website with plans and lots of advice and moral support;
- Ian Norton and Kay Kempers: Lots of Moral support and cheerleadering;
- Leigh Keating: Painting, sticking and advice.
-mdk exeunt chased by a staircase