We are starting the new year with several sessions that will offer a solid introduction to 3D printing. Each will be held from 4-6 p.m. on Sunday afternoons in January (5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th). They will be hosted at the Makerspace and will consist of small groups of 4 learners (and any parents or guardians that need to accompany younger makers)

Enthusiasts of all ages will be receiving 3D printers as a festive gift and will want to learn how to use it. Or you may have received one in the last few years and have found it difficult to use?
You even might be giving someone a printer this Christmas and want to make sure the receiver gets some expert assistance with a very welcome gift of an introductory session. See our buying recommendations.
Book now! Further details and to book a ticket

My son printed a small model using Heroforge to design it. I was able to take the code and use it to create a huge statue in VR. I tried Unity but was pretty hopeless at creating VR objects from scratch. 3D printing may offer a simpler way of doing this. What do you think?
3D-printing can certainly create nearly anything that you could design. You just need to export it as a .STL file.
Either you could do it at this class or come on an open evening (any Wednesdays 6:30-8:30pm) to do it.