This is an xTool S1 with a 20W laser module.
This type of laser is ‘more safe’ than your average model, with safety interlocks and fire detection, however there is still a risk of fumes and laser light.
When using the laser, don’t look at the cool pew pew shiny light. It is OK to take a peek to make sure it is working as expected (It has a green filter lid) , but prolonged exposure to laser light may have unknown long term effects even when filtered.
The laser is vented outside the window. Always make sure the window is shut, and the HEPA filter is running. When you have finished cutting laserply, wait until the smoke has completely left the enclosure before opening the lid. When cutting plastic make double sure and to be on the safe side wait a minute.
Occasionally the distance probe falls off. It is magnetic so put the probe back in the case and reattach it to the right hand side.
Clean the laser if required and remove all wood remnants from the unit when finished (you need to remove the honeycomb grill) as failing to do this can represent a fire risk.