Alina Isobel Hagan

Table of Contents

Alina has been a director since June 2024.

About Me #

Hi! I’m Alina, I’m a PhD student at Lancaster University and an avid maker. I’m also a Director and the student liaison for the Lancaster and Morecambe Makerspace. You can usually catch me at our weekly open night or you can get in contact with me using discord or using any of the socials linked above. Hope to see you at the space 🙂

A woman sitting on a bench taking a photo with a 35mm film camera. Plants anf fairy lights hang around her.

Areas of expertise #

  • Rocketry.
  • High-Energy Particle Physics.
  • Bad 3D-printing ideas.
  • Film Photography.
  • Lathework.
  • Strong opinions.

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