Training on equipment

Within the Space, we have a lot of equipment that is complex or potentially dangerous or both. We are able to train you up to use the equipment and, in fact, require you to undergo induction training before using some items! The best time to do this is to request it on a Wednesday evening, at some time between 18:30 and 20:30. Unfortunately, we are often quite busy then and it is also a time when visitors can come for a tour, discuss what we do and consider joining.

We have a number of individuals that are willing to share their expertise, but they will generally only be available should they happen to attend on a Wednesday. By requesting beforehand, we can try to organise an appropriately skilled individual to be there. Realistically, however, your trainer will likely be Bil Bas, because not many others have the time to do it, especially outside of the Open Evening times.

It may be possible to organise training sessions for you on request.  Priority will be given if: 

  • You require training to use one of the pieces of equipment that we considered too unsafe for a complete novice to use – Induction required.
  • You want to be taught to use a few specific items, but also not everything, since individual item inductions are anything from 2 to 45 minutes in length. An hour would be an ideal total duration of a single session.
  • You can find one or two other members to share the induction, so we don’t have to repeat ourselves.

Please contact Bil Bas via, Telegram, WhatsApp or in person to make a request.

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